AID 2022
Spot on

Thank you for your interest in WSG Paragon - the Studentgame association of Wageningen!
During the AID you can find us at the information market on 24 August. Here you can talk to different members about their experiences with WSG Paragon and you can leave your phone number to be added to the WhatsApp group without obligation!
WSG Paragon uses 2 ways of communication: WhatsApp and Discord. WhatsApp is used to send announcements or to have a nice chat. The discord is used to send photos, play games and for online events.
Feel free to join our discord right away, it's open to everyone!

WSG Paragon offers a lot of events, ranging from board games, a Bob Ross event and video games. Different types of events will be organized completely free for everyone! The events can be found on the flyer or on the website.
You have no obligations if you register. Choice of participation in the events is also completely without obligation.
Membership at WSG Paragon costs € 20 per six month. This gives access to all events. You can participate for free with competitions within the association, but also national competitions that the association participates. Some examples are the League or Legends DCL, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and the old familiar chess.
You get access to the different WhatsApp groups and the Discord server!
For more information click here for more information about the events, tournaments or the games that we play. If you have any further questions, please send them via Discord or via an email to the board.